Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

Career in Nursing

If you are interested in a career in nursing, you could not have picked a better time. Nurses are in great demand today, and with people living longer, this demand is only projected to increase in the years to come. And, nursing is also a great second career, for those who have been in the workplace and in another field.

In order to become a nurse you must pass a nursing exam, which is typically administered by your state’s Board of Nursing. And it is important to note that nurses are licensed within the state that they live in. So, you may want to look into taking the tests in other states, if moving to a new state is in the near future for you. Yet, in order to take this test, you must first complete a nursing education program from an accredited institution. For the majority of nursing education programs, the most common and in most cases the only prerequisite is a high school diploma.

If you are a man considering nursing, you should know that the common stereotypes of the past are being shattered today, as more and more men enter the field. And, there are trade organizations, magazines, and forums dedicated to men in nursing. Nursing is a profession that attracts and welcomes all people. So, there are resources for other specific groups, like minorities and those with disabilities who are also considering nursing.

Thanks to the popularity of shows like Scrubs and Grey’s Anatomy the image of nursing has been romanticized, and it is a career that increasing numbers of people are interested in doing. Nursing is a rewarding career; but, make no mistake about, it is a challenging profession. Although, there are many things you can do to make sure this career path will suit you. One of the best actions to take before enrolling in a program of study is to talk to a registered nurse to ensure you have a realistic view of what lies ahead.

1 komentar:

  1. Most of my cousins were nurses. I'm the only IT in our clan though.
