Careers in electrical engineering utilize science, technology, and ingenuity to solve problems. Electrical engineering also involves using all of the above to build, design, and maintain information systems. Recently the term “electrical engineering” has actually been referred to by other titles such as “computer engineering” and “electronic engineering”.
Electrical engineering careers pay well and are in demand. In fact, the demand for electrical engineers has sky-rocketed over the last 10 years or so and the demand is expected to continue to grow. As computers continue to be more popular, and as computers continue to play a larger role in just about every facet of our lives, the need for electrical engineers will only grow.
Usually an electrical engineer will earn a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or electronics. Some people then move on to earn a master’s degree in a similar or related field. Once schooling is done, an electrical engineer will usually spend 12-24 months training at a job before actually specializing and assuming any major responsibilities.
I agree with you that electrical engineering is a great field to be in and there are always a demand for them but I want to clear one thing through your blog that just because someone is electrical engineer does not mean he/she can fix everything that runs on electricity.
BalasHapusElectrical Engineering Consultant